Tuesday, 10 May 2011

GROUP EVALUATION: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our production represents the people at the lowest level of income in that the main male and female characters are unemployed drug takers. The audience can tell they are unemployed because of the rundown location we have chosen to film suggesting they may be homeless, and the ragged clothing they wear. However, even though the drug dealer we have featured in our production chooses to work in an illegal business, he is clearly wealthier than the other two and may be seen as having management skills and therefore of a higher social class than the other two characters.

All of the characters in our production are white which creates an idea that anyone can be a drug dealer and caught up in the underworld of drugs. In films and the media, drug dealers are usually portrayed as black males so by using a white drug dealer in our production, we have aimed to take these stereotypical views away.

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