Wednesday, 8 December 2010


‘Sin City’

The clip above shows the opening scene to ‘Sin City’ which is a Classic Film Noir. I think this is a good film opening because of the use of Mise-En-Scene, The costume of the character stands out from the scene as it’s the only part which is in colour, and this is also a great example of the lighting, the whole locations is dark and gloomy where as the ‘femme fetale’ is the focus of the viewers attention.
At the beginning the sound is both Diegetic, and Non-Diegetic, as the sounds you hear are the voice over of the main male character explaining what is happening, but then it cuts to the two characters talking which is Diegetic, this continues to cut between the two throughout the opening scene. All the way through the opening scene you hear quiet, slow, jazz music which towards the end changes to louder music with a fast beat, which is Non-Diegetic.
The Cinematography helps to grip the attention of the viewer as there is a variety of camera shots which makes it more interesting for example, over the shoulder, and close up shots are used. The lighting creates shadow, and uses high contrast lighting, which makes the scene seem more mysterious.
The editing that has been done on this movie adds to the action, as clearly the film does not begin from the begging as the viewer doesn’t know what is really going on, or why it is happening. I think this makes the film more interesting as it ‘hooks’ the viewer into watching the rest of the film. I think that this film opening grips you, so it makes you want to keep watching it to see what happens. As there is a gun shot within the first three minutes, this would imply that there will be action in the rest of the film also that maybe the situation will get explained. Therefore this makes you want to keep watching.

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