Monday, 6 December 2010


During the making of the project my responsibilities was to have input in script writing, between the three of us we had to prepare a script with about four lines of dialogue, I think our script worked well because it went well with the acting and the environment, also it was interesting for the viewer to watch. Another of my responsibilities was to film and sound recording, everyone in the group had a chance to experience and practise these skills. The last of my responsibilities was using the editing equipment, to cut the shots I needed to make the final clip and put it altogether.
I think that I contributed well as I got involved in everything and tried my best in the work that I done. I also think that we worked well as a team, we all shared the jobs equally so we got to practise and improve our skills this meant we all had the opportunity to do a bit of everything.
I think that this project has helped me improve greatly in working with the camera and editing equipment, as when I started I didn’t know anything, this project was a great opportunity to put what we learnt into practise. Although I did struggle with the editing to start with but during the course of the editing I got more practice so it became clearer and I improved.
I think that the overall technical quality of my finished video was good; considering it was the first time we had done anything like that. This is because we worked very closely on the detail, we worked well as a team, and all focused on the task. Although we did face a problem, when filming we had filmed different shots with speech in but when coming to edit it, they did match up therefore the actor was at a different time in the walk when he started talking, this made it difficult to edit and put different shots together. This resulted in using our ‘backup’ shots, that is why in the final video, when the act is speaking you cannot see there face. If I was to repeat this assignment then I would make sure the different shots are going to fit together during editing and film more ‘takes’ to be sure that we will be able to produce the best video possible.
I think in my final video the use of Editing, Cinematography, Mise-En-Scene and sound was very effective. We used only Diegetic sound, so we added no music or any other sound, the only sound that could be heard was the sound of the characters, and what they could hear.
I think that the ideas I had for the final piece were portrayed exactly how we wanted it to be, I think that the script showed exactly what we wanted it to, and explained to the viewer what the narrative was. The characters in the finished piece came across as we intended.
The feedback that I got from a few people that had viewed my final piece, was that they really enjoyed the video, as it had some comedy,  they also said that they liked the variety of camera shots as we had a extreme close up, a close up, and other shots, also because we used the panning technique. So I mostly got positive feedback. Although one viewer said that I could have improved it by seeing more of the persons face when they are talking.
Overall, I think that the assignment went really well, and if I was to repeat it then there are only a few things I would try and do better. For example I would make sure I get more than one of the same shot so I have more options during editing.

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